Company policy
In confirming the Company Mission which was founded on becoming a reference company in the
market of refrigeration systems and machinery, distinguishing itself for its high level of quality
of its machinery, the General Management of A.S.K.I. REFRIGERATION s.r.l. defines
the Company Policy in the following aspects:
- for quality
- for security
- for the environment
Management objectives in the medium and long term
The Company Management has the objective, in the medium term, to make the company more visible both in Italy and abroad, trying to reach a higher number of companies, through the channel of the website.
For the long term, implement the commercial/technical structure in order to ensure greater effective and continuous support for the growth and success of the company, as well as opening up to new markets.

Main mandatory requirements of the organization
With the introduction of the aforementioned Management System, the Company Management intends to define the principles of action and the results to aim for in order to eliminate non-conformities. Thus committing its organization to identify, evaluate and keep under control, within the activities carried out by the Company, the causes on which it can exercise greater influence and, where this is not possible, to minimize the effects and activating corrective actions.
The quality policy embraces all interested parties, paying particular attention to the requirements expressed below:
- Maximum availability to solve specific customer problems.
- Constant product innovation and maintenance of the quality standard.
- Compliance with safety regulations and application of self-control in the analysis of risk factors.
- Guarantee the realization of the products within the times established by the contract and, when possible, accelerate their delivery.
- Selection and qualification of technical assistance personnel.
- Recording of all the checks carried out and of the service data collected, in order to allow a trend analysis and the definition of preventive actions, in the medium and long term.
- Periodic analysis of the data collected and processing of any corrective actions necessary for improvement.
- Reduced times of technical assistance interventions, measurement of the same and use of a preventive maintenance plan.
- Increase the competitiveness of the Company by reducing operating costs, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the Organization.
- Verify the achievement of the planned objectives by intervening with appropriate corrective actions if these are not achieved.
- Attention to quality aspects in internal relations and continuous improvement of the working environment.
- Active involvement of all staff, through the organization of periodic meetings on issues related to quality and safety.
- Development of a quality improvement plan and annual training.
- Maximum responsibility of all corporate functions on general and specific quality objectives.
- Reduction of costs related to NON-QUALITY.
- Promote, throughout the organization, awareness of the importance of meeting the requirements of the System and increase the skills and motivation of personnel in order to guarantee effective and efficient performance for all processes of the organization
- Involving third-party companies called upon to work for the Company, to share the same quality criteria defined in this policy.
- Selection and continuous evaluation of the Company’s suppliers, to ensure the quality and reliability of the supplies.
- Responsibility of the supplier on the methodological and operational aspects of the quality certification and its involvement in achieving it.
- Stimulate Suppliers to correct quality management, involving them in the identification and analysis of the causes generating non-compliance and in the identification of actions/tools to prevent or limit them, periodically verifying their implementation and analysing the results with them.
- The achievement of the objectives listed above is measured through:
• Analysis of Non-Conformities
• Analysis and number of Customer Complaints
• Customer satisfaction monitoring
Leadership commitment to the organizational management system
The implementation of the Organizational Management System is a commitment fully shared and approved by the Management that undertakes to ensure that the Company Policy is communicated, understood, implemented, available, maintained and supported at all levels of the company.
The Management considers the effective application of the Management System a Responsibility of the entire organization and calls all personnel of all levels and grades to comply with its Policy and to comply with what is defined in the Management System, within the scope of their respective competences and responsibility.

Leadership commitment to quality – environment and safety
The General Management guarantees the respect and protection of the health and safety of workers and the environment by ensuring compliance with the regulations in force.
In particular, as regards the safety aspects, the management:
- Guarantees the reliability and good conditions of the working environment, vehicles, equipment, systems and machinery;
- It is responsible for informing, training and raising awareness of personnel on safety issues related to the risks of the work activity, on the correct use of means, equipment and on emergency management methods.
Leadership commitment to engagement and
staff participation
The Management undertakes to promote the participation, involvement and dissemination of the Organizational Management System to all its personnel, aware that working in an environment open to discussion and based on respect for the person is fundamental for the growth of
the same company.
Continuous improvement
The purpose of implementing the SGO is the improvement of the whole of
the organization. The Management, by constantly analysing and monitoring its processes, assessing the risks connected to them, promotes and implements actions aimed at the continuous improvement of the company.
Focus on customer and meeting requirements
The attention to the customer and his satisfaction is maximum. The Management undertakes to apply an appropriate policy for the purposes of the organization, aimed at customer satisfaction and continuous optimization of the functioning of the Organizational Management System.
Commitment to the preservation and transmission of corporate know-how, specific internal knowledge and skills of the organization
The Management undertakes to preserve its knowledge and skills, and the growth of the latter in order to achieve continuous improvement of all processes. To this end, the Management promotes training activities and moments of knowledge transmission between the various levels of the organization.
Commitment to Confidentiality
In compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/2003, the organization underlines its commitment to operate in compliance with privacy, protecting
Bedizzole, 08/02/2018
The General Management, Giovanni Squassina